What is this website?

This website maintains real time analysis and calculations on the asset holdings of any politicians who have filed financial disclosures with the Senate.

This website does not seek to attack any party, and has no political agenda.

For more, see the FAQs

Total Assets

Showing: Optimistic calculation

Republican Total Assets:


Avg: $NaN

Median: $NaN

p75: $NaN

p90: $NaN

Democrat Total Assets:


Avg: $NaN

Median: $NaN

p75: $NaN

p90: $NaN

Other Total Assets:


Avg: $NaN

Median: $NaN

p75: $NaN

p90: $NaN

Last Updated: Sat May 13 2023 @ 3:15:00 PM

Dan Goodman (@Dan_The_Goodman)


State Map

Average assets of politicians per state

Showing: Optimistic calculation

Table of Politicians

Sort By:

PoliticianOptimistic Assets Conservative Assets StateParty

Recent Trades

Party Pie Chart

The total assets of the parties

Showing: Optimistic calculation

Republican Total Assets:


Avg: $NaN
Democrat Total Assets:


Avg: $NaN
Other Total Assets:


Avg: $NaN

Showing: Optimistic calculation

Want More Data?

I maintain real time data of all Senate (and SEC) filings. Contact me if you would like access to more data, with full ClickHouse query capabilities.